


Interaction, Graphics, Sound and Live Video Feed

Artist: Aseem Suri

Operand (noun):  An object/quantity on which an operation is to be performed

‘Power is everywhere’, diffused and embodied in discourse, knowledge and ‘regimes of truth’. It ‘comes from everywhere’ so in this sense is neither an agency nor a structure. Instead it is a kind of ‘metapower’ or ‘regime of truth’ that pervades society, and which is in constant flux and negotiation.’ – Michael Foucault

How often can we recognize the virtual triggers around us?
Dictating our thoughts, shaping our life
Logos, Symbols
Messages surround us, some subliminal
Invisible but relentless
Behaviors, Norms: Pre-decided.

How often do we realize we’re being operated on?
Every minute of every day, analyzed
Controlled – we become numbers
Quantities to be measured and classified
In the right consumer category
Actions, Desires: Calculated.

Background: Created in the Spring of 2015, Operand began as a desire to point out the existence of numerous invisible triggers, designed to keep us in check, forever the consumer. “One night while watching a late night game of cricket, I got incredibly hungry and realized I had been (involuntarily) looking at the logo of McDonald’s right next to the scorecard once every 3 minutes. There was something to this association – by the tenth time I saw it, I was off to the kitchen”. Everywhere we go, online or offline, like it or not, calculations are being done on us. We are being operated upon. Operand became an interactive experience that replicates this nature of our reality, giving it a musical and visual perspective.

Software/Systems Used: Ableton Live, Max/MSP/Jitter, Processing, Kinect


First Run:
Operand: Out Of The Blue Too Gallery
Apr 26 – May 7, 2015
Opening Reception: Sunday, April 26, 2015, 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Second Run:
30, 31 July 2016

Operand was featured at the FIGMENT BOSTON Art Festival 2016. Presented over 2 days at the prestigious Rose Kennedy Greenway, Operand enjoyed a constant footfall with over a thousand people visiting the installation. In the evening hours, the space was filled with over twenty people at a time.

Thoughts from the event

Installation Space
Constant flow of people

There was a queue to enter

Dance Dance

Taking over the world


She was hesitant with her wheelchair but quickly realized it didn’t matter!

The Screen and it’s visions

The dog was triggering music!


Rave Party

For the Installation, I wrote 3 pieces of music representing different moods. The visuals for each piece were also designed keeping these in mind.

Track List:

1. Fake World

2. Lab Rat

3. Genesis

All audio and video content was created for this installation (except found footage from commercials)

Special Thanks to Dr. Richard Boulanger, Ryan Edwards, Achal Murthy, Neha Dhole, Ameeta, Sunil and Astha Suri.

Dedicated in loving memory of Sheela Suri.
