


Interaction, Collaged Film, Sound & Live Video Feed

Artists: Carlin Francis and Aseem Suri

Artist Statement: Compelled by an interest in the self-propagating and never ending nature of internal dialogue and imagery, this space stands as one in which the layering of stimuli, external as well as self-initiated, may be experienced more lucidly. This sensory conversation could be interpreted as a reflection of the conditioning of ones own identity, or a question against the very nature of it.

Background: In the Spring of 2013, Aseem got together with Carlin Francis, a filmmaker and photographer from the Art Institute of Boston to produce an installation for Deciphering Identity, a curated exhibition at the Jewett Art Gallery in Wellesley, MA. The installation was very successful and enjoyed a twenty day run at the gallery in March 2013. The installation was accepted and had a second run in October 2013 at the 2nd Annual Csound Conference held in Boston, MA.

Software/Systems Used: Max/MSP/Jitter, Webcams, Flashlight

First Run:
Deciphering Identity, Wellesley College
Mar 13 – Mar29, 2013
Opening Reception: Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Deciphering Identity attempts to confront and describe, through a
diversity of perspectives, realities, and parameters that shape the
individual identity. Pieces selected from the group show include
multi-media works from undergraduate, graduate, and alumni.

Headphones and black curtains were employed to isolate the environment
from the rest of the gallery, and allow the user to ‘step into’ this
space, see it become a reflection of their mind.

Images from setup:

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Second Run:
2nd International Csound Conference
Oct 26th, 2013
Saturday, 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Csound has evolved dramatically since its creation nearly 30 years ago, and so has the world of computer music.This conference from Oct 25th – 27th looks to provide a venue for developers and users to discuss various aspects of the language through workshops, seminars, panels and live performance

Read my blog entry about the installation here
