Gear Hunger

Does it ever go away? All I do is want more gear. New gear, old gear. Custom gear, vintage gear. Useful gear, useless gear. Audio gear. Video gear. Big consumer electronics gear. Small micro electronics gear. eBay should be my homepage, craigslist is my breakfast routine.

Only problem is I don’t have money to buy anything. Not yet at least, but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming up my big studio with lots of gear, and connected workshop with stations already set up. A writing zone. Sunlight. My studio is gonna be in the light man.

For now, i work in my crowded little space, iPad on top of a nanoPad on top of an APC. But hey, work can happen anywhere and any which way right? For now, I hunger on. Small fishes need to stay out of the big ones’ way, and eat a little at a time till they grow big. Piece by piece.