Vidyūmaya : Samäpti

Dec 2015
The Red Room, Boylston St.

Artist/Arranger: Kshitij Rawal

Role: Sound Designer, Arranger, Live programmer

Background: In the fall of 2015, Kshitij, who Aseem had worked with for a concert earlier, got in touch asking Aseem to program the sounds for one medley in the show. Eventually the collaboration led to Aseem doing sound design for the entire hour long show, with songs ranging from rock (RATM, Muse), to trip-hop (Sulk Station), and folk music (Advaita). Kshitij ended up not just giving Aseem credits as the Backbone of the show but also included a previous production of Aseem’s in the show(Under The Moonbeam (Gretchen))

About: Samäpti : The conclusion, for another beginning.

Presenting, a concluding landmark to the Performance major journey at the Berklee College of Music. Come be part of not just the recital, but also of a highly valuable and treasured learning experience acquired here over the years. Through an extensive collaboration, with incredible musicians from all around the world, we present a unique variety of collaborated music, from Eastern to Western, from Analogue to Digital, from Acoustic to Electronic.